In a groundbreaking move, DreamFolks, India’s largest and most influential airport services aggregator, has announced its ambitious expansion into the Southeast Asian market. This strategic leap underscores the company’s relentless pursuit of redefining global travel experiences through its pioneering technology platform. As DreamFolks sets its sights on this dynamic region, the stage is set for

DreamFolks - logoIn a groundbreaking move, DreamFolks, India’s largest and most influential airport services aggregator, has announced its ambitious expansion into the Southeast Asian market. This strategic leap underscores the company’s relentless pursuit of redefining global travel experiences through its pioneering technology platform. As DreamFolks sets its sights on this dynamic region, the stage is set for a transformative era in travel services.

Dominating India’s Travel Scene: A Proven Track Record

For over a decade, DreamFolks has been revolutionizing the airport services industry in India. With an impressive 90% market share in the domestic lounge access sector, mainly through debit and credit card programs, the company has established dominance by partnering with most major banks and card networks nationwide. This unparalleled success is anchored in its state-of-the-art in-house technology, which empowers financial institutions to enhance card value propositions, drive customer loyalty, and optimize operational costs.

The company’s journey from its inception to its public listing in September 2022 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) is a testament to its visionary leadership and innovative business model. DreamFolks’ proprietary technology has reshaped India’s travel services landscape and set a new standard for excellence and efficiency in the industry.

A Global Network: Expanding Horizons

DreamFolks’ global footprint now spans over 3,000 touchpoints across more than 100 countries and 500 cities, serving millions of travellers annually. This extensive network uniquely positions the company to deliver unmatched services to its clients and their customers in new markets. As DreamFolks ventures into Southeast Asia, it brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and a proven model of success.

The company’s innovative service aggregation model, which includes airport and railway lounges, e-SIM travel SIM cards, meet and assist services, airport transfers, and golf privileges, has been a game-changer in India. Southeast Asia is poised to benefit from this cutting-edge approach, which promises to elevate travel experiences to new heights.

Singapore: The New Hub of Excellence

DreamFolks has established a regional office in Singapore, a city known for its vibrant business environment and strategic location in Southeast Asia as part of its strategic expansion. This move not only demonstrates the company’s commitment to the region but also signals its readiness to tap into the immense opportunities that Southeast Asia presents.

DreamFolks has onboarded Adib Kangda as the Senior Vice President for International Markets to lead this charge. With extensive experience and a deep understanding of local market dynamics, Kangda is well-equipped to steer the company’s expansion efforts and ensure its success in this competitive landscape.

Leadership’s Vision: A Future of Unprecedented Growth

Liberatha Kallat, Chairperson and Managing Director of DreamFolks, shared her excitement about this new chapter in the company’s journey. “Our expansion into Southeast Asia marks a significant milestone in DreamFolks’ journey,” Kallat remarked. “We’re not just entering new markets; we’re bringing our vision of seamless, technology-driven travel experiences to one of the world’s most dynamic regions. This area represents immense opportunities for growth and innovation in the travel sector. With our proven track record in India, we’re confident that our unique service aggregation model will resonate strongly with banks, card networks, and enterprises across the region.”

Kallat further emphasized the potential for introducing market-first card innovations and significant cost savings for clients, aligning perfectly with DreamFolks’ mission to deliver tangible benefits and enhanced value to its partners.

A Win-Win for Clients and Travelers

This expansion is poised to benefit clients and travellers in Southeast Asia substantially. By leveraging its advanced technology solutions, DreamFolks aims to help banks, card networks, and enterprises optimize their offerings, streamline operations, and enhance customer loyalty. For travellers, the expansion means access to a broader range of premium services and a more seamless, enjoyable travel experience.

DreamFolks’ entry into Southeast Asia is more than just an expansion; it’s a bold statement of intent. As the company continues to innovate and expand its horizons, it is set to revolutionize the standards of travel services, ensuring that every journey is not just a means to an end but a remarkable experience.




Written by: Kanda Limw






